墨魚炆豬腩 — 這個餸是我爸爸喜愛的菜式之一,以前我嫲嫲同埋而家我媽咪如果見到在街市有大墨魚賣,她們都會間中煮一次給我們吃。當然這個高膽固醇菜式不能常常吃,偶然一次便好。這個餸配飯非常好,就連吃不完的汁還可用來撈麵食,十分「邪惡」。我在澳洲買不到大墨魚,只是間中一兩次看到有較小的賣,肉雖然沒那麼厚,但味道還是一樣好的。
食譜 (4人份)
墨魚(洗剩後) ~500克 (可買一隻大或幾隻小的,沒有一定數量)
薑 15克
蒜頭 15克/3-4瓣
熱水 500克
冰糖 40克
鹽 1/2 茶匙
老抽 1 湯匙
生抽/豉油 1 茶匙
紹興酒/米酒 2 茶匙
粟粉水 生粉及溫水各1.5茶匙拌勻
1. 首先處理新鮮墨魚,先慢慢將墨魚翼(上半部平滑厚肉部分)同身及腳分開,墨魚翼裡面有塊骨可以拆出來(右上圖)。另外在身體部分將墨囊、腦部、及眼睛清除用水洗淨。身體部分有一粒圓形粒粒是墨魚咀來的(右下圖),裡面會有些軟殼,去除洗淨便可。
2. 將墨魚翼上的啡色外皮去除,可以用刀微微界一下便可用手整塊撕去。洗淨後連同其他部分一起加一些鹽及生粉,用手拌勻後沖洗,這個部驟可以幫助清洗海鮮表面的黏液。
3. 墨魚腳切開幾條一塊,如是大墨魚,可將腳分成數份。墨魚翼切成數塊,之後用刀微微再較光滑的一面界花(可省略此部),記著要輕力不要把墨魚塊切斷。
4. 豬腩肉買回來時可叫店員略燒一下豬皮表面去毛,回來後清洗一下。如果有粗毛自己再用毛夾夾去。腩肉切塊,飛水備用。
5. 薑及蒜頭切片備用。
6. 預備一個可以炆煮的鍋或鑊,今次使用的是鑄鐵鍋,先下一點油,加入薑片中火預熱一下鍋,之後加入蒜片及腩肉一起炒一會。 腩肉炒熱後加入紹興酒繼續炒。
7. 加入墨魚炒勻,之後加入冰糖、老抽、及生抽繼續炒勻。
8. 拌勻看到墨魚及腩肉都大致上色後,加入500克熱水,煮滾後加蓋轉中小火炆煮約30分鐘,每10分鐘攪拌一下及看一下水會否大小,如太小水可加回一些水,不要煮乾。
9. 30分鐘後會看到醬汁變得比較濃,墨魚及腩肉都變得深色,可試一下醬汁味道,如有需要自行用鹽糖調味。加入粟粉水令醬汁變得杰身。
10. 加入粟粉水拌勻後大約1-2分鐘便可關火上菜。
- 墨魚越大隻肉較厚身,用來炆煮會較好。
- 使用冰糖炆肉會比砂糖甜味清淡一點,如沒有可使用白砂糖或原糖。
Stew Pork Belly and Cuttlefish in Sweet Soy Sauce
Cuttlefish (after cleaning) ~500g (Or 1 Big or few small, not specific; can be replaced by squid)
Pork belly 350g (Can be replaced by pork neck Or 500g pork rib)
Ginger 15g
Garlic 15g
Hot Water 500g
Rock sugar 40g
Salt 1/2 tsp
Dark Soy Sauce 1 tbsp
Soy Sauce 1 tsp
Shaoxing Wine 2 tsp
Corn flour + Warm Water 1.5 tsp each
- Firstly we have to clean the fresh cuttlefish first. Seperate the wing from the cuttle fish body. Remove the bone from the wing. And then remove the brain, eyes, and the ink sac from the cuttlefish and clean it well. There is a ball-shape part in the body and that's the mouth, remove the soft bone inside and the mouth is eatable.
- Remove the brown colour skin from the wing, slightly cut the surface then you can remove the skin easily by hand. After that you can add some salt and corn flour to the cuttlefish wing and leg and mixing it. Wash it well with water which help to remove the sticky gel from the cuttlefish.
- (Optional) Slightly slice the glossy side of the wing, do not cut it.
- Wash and cut the pork belly into pieces. Boiling it for few mins and wash it with cold water.
- Cut the ginger and garlic into slides.
- Preheat a pot with 2 tsp oil and ginger. Adding pork belly and garlic and stir-fry it for few mins. Pouring the wine to the pork belly and keep stir-fry it.
- Adding the cuttlefish, rock sugar, dark soy sauce, and soy sauce. Mix it well.
- After mixing it for few mins, pouring 500g hot water to the pot. When it is hot enough, cover the pot with lid and turn to medium-low heat and stew it for 30 mins. Take a look and stir it per 10 minutes. If it becomes dry, add some hot water and do not let it dry.
- Food color become darker and the sauce become thick, taste the sauce and add salt / sugar to adjust if necessary.
- Pouring the corn flour mixture and mix it. Keeping stewing for further 2 minutes then you can switch off the stove. And the dish is now ready to serve.
- Bigger cuttlefish will have better texture in this dish.
- Using rock sugar for stewing meat taste better than the caster sugar, but it is optional and you can replaced by caster sugar / raw sugar.