2017年2月7日 星期二

章魚燒(章魚小丸子) Takoyaki


另外,原來章魚燒有一款很重要的材料很多香港做章魚燒的小店都會忽略,初時知道要加入這款材料我都會懷疑為什麼要加,試過後才發覺在日本吃章魚燒特別好吃都是加了它~~~ 子薑漬(醃子薑)


八爪魚(章魚)/八爪魚粒   ~120克(自行加減)
椰菜             50 克
醃子薑片           30 克
蔥              15 克
章魚燒醬汁          隨意
柴魚片/木魚花        隨意
紫菜碎            隨意
蛋黃醬/沙律醬        隨意
天婦羅碎粒(可省略)     1 湯匙

低筋麵粉           150 克
冰水             500 毫升
雞蛋             2 隻
鹽              半茶匙
鏗魚粉(可用鹽/昆布粉代替) 半茶匙
日式醬油/淡醬油       1 茶匙
油              半茶匙

1. 八爪魚腳切粒備用。如果使用新鮮八爪魚(我今次用的是小八爪魚),買回來多數已去除眼及內臟,洗淨後用熱水飛水後放涼切粒備用。

2. 椰菜、子薑、青蔥切碎備用。

3. 預備一隻大碗,放入鹽、鏗魚粉、日式醬油拌勻。

4. 加入冰水(不要加冰)拌勻,之後再加入蛋漿拌勻。

 5. 分3次篩入低筋粉,每次篩入後不要大力攪拌,輕力略拌勻便可。

6. 將粉漿過篩一次,將未溶的粉粒壓溶,粉漿變得幻滑,加入油備用。

7. 將章魚燒板搽上薄油,開小火,半分鐘後開始倒入粉漿至9成或剛滿。

8. 保持小火,順序加入八爪魚、醃子薑、椰菜、青蔥。

9. 加入材料後將電熱板轉為中小火,用章魚燒針/竹簽幫忙「界」開分開每粒的粉漿,將旁邊的粉漿撥到中間。

10. 章魚燒邊可以熟的時候,用章魚燒針將小丸子轉一轉(大部分半圓在上面 ),加入一隻粉漿填補多餘空間。

11. 之後間中轉動一下小丸子,讓小丸子平均受熱。間中將旁邊跟中間小丸子互換位置。直到小丸子外表金黃便可。

12. 上碟後,塗上一點章魚燒醬汁,再加蛋黃漿,灑上紫菜碎及柴魚片,便可食用。

  • 使用冰水開粉漿令小丸子有外脆內軟的效果。
  • 加入低筋粉後不要過份大力攪拌。
  • 未用完的粉漿可用保鮮紙蓋好放入雪櫃,由於有生雞蛋,盡量即日或隔日用完。



Octopus tentacles                ~120 g
Cabbage                              50 g  
Shreded pickled ginger      30 g
Spring Onion                     15 g
Takoyaki Sauce                  Own perference
Seaweed pieces                  Own perference
Dried Bonito Flakes           Own perference
Mayonnaise                        Own perference
Tempura crisps (Tenkasu)  1 tbsp (Optional)

Takoyaki Mix
Cake Flour                        150 g
Ice Water                          500 ml
Egg                                   2 pc
Salt                                   1/2 tsp
Bonito Dashi Powder       1/2 tsp
Japanese soy sauce           1 tsp 
/ light soy sauce
Vegetable Oil                    1/2 tsp

  1. Boiled octopus tentacles for 1 or 2 mins and wash it with cold water.  Cut the tentacles into dices.
  2. Chop cabbage, pickled ginger, and spring onion.
  3. Getting a mixing bowl.  Place bonito dashi powder, soy sauce, and salt and mix well.
  4. Pouring ice water (without ice) to the mixing bowl and mix slightly.  And then beat eggs and pour into mixing bowl as well and mix it well.  
  5. Adding 1/3 flour (using fliter) to the mixture and slightly mix it.  Repeat twice to mix all flour and it becames batter.
  6. Filter the batter to make sure the batter are silky and smooth.  Adding oil into the batter.
  7. Brush some oil to the takyaki pan, switch on the pan to low heat.  Pour the batter to the pan (90% full).
  8. Adding octopus tentacles, pickled ginger, cabbage, spring onion, and tempura crisps respectively.  Keep in low heat before all ingredients added.
  9. Turn the pan/hot plate into medium-low heat. Separate each takoyaki with bamboo skewers or takoyaki sticks and gather uncooked edges into each pieces.
  10. Rotate (around 90degree) the takoyaki balls with the skewers when the the balls become solid. Pouring a little bit batter in to the space after rotation.
  11. Rotate the balls again for each few minutes.  Pour a little bit batter if necessary to adjust the shape.  Cook until the surface become crispy and in golden color.
  12. Move the takoyaki balls into plate.  Brush the takoyaki sauce.  And then adding mayonnaise, dried seaweed pieces and died bonito flakes as toppings.

  • Using cold water helps to make the takoyaki crispy.
  • Mix slightly after adding cake flour, otherwise the takoyaki will be hard.
  • Extra batter can be covered by cling wrap and put in fridge.  Finish it within two days.

