2017年8月20日 星期日

香煎蓮藕肉餅 Pan-fried Lotus Root Patties

香煎蓮藕肉餅 — 近年在好多懷舊中式餐廳都會食到。在澳洲,買到新鮮的蓮藕的機會不是常常有,多數是急凍的。難得最近有新鮮蓮藕買,當然買來煲蓮藕綠豆湯同埋煎這個蓮藕餅食。



蓮藕      250克
豬肉碎     250克
芹菜葉/蔥   12克
蛋       1隻

糖       2茶匙
豉油      1湯匙


1. 將蓮藕洗淨,刨去外皮。

2. 蓮藕用刨絲器刨成絲狀,或用刀切成幼條。切粒亦可,但蓮藕口感會較硬身。

3. 芹菜葉/蔥切碎備用。

4. 將雞蛋以外所有材料及調味料放入一大碗中,順時針方向攪勻。

5. 材料均勻後打入雞蛋,繼續攪勻至軟滑狀。

6.  將已混合的肉分成6分(薄身為10-12份),弄成肉丸狀,方法可參考以下影片。

7.  電熱鍋6格盆塗油,開中火。放入肉丸。(用一般平底鑊或中式圓鑊做法請參照「小貼士」部分)

8. 將肉丸壓平,轉至中大火煎。此食譜份量剛好是6塊厚度跟6格盆深度一樣的肉餅。

9.  2-3分鐘後可以反轉至另一邊煎,間中可將肉餅左右調換位置讓受熱均勻。

10. 間中反轉一下,不需要太頻密。全程約煎15分鐘,兩邊金黃色。薄身相對時間短一點。

  • 蓮藕切絲/切小粒皆可,但粒狀較硬身,或會有「銀」牙感覺。
  • 如使用一般平底鑊或中式圓鑊,鑊中加油中火預熱,油熱後轉中小火。加入肉丸後壓平,兩邊各煎約5-8分鐘。薄身時間相對短一點。
  • 使用唐芹的芹菜葉較香,芹菜莖本身也十分有營養,用來清炒也十分好吃。如不喜歡芹菜可用青蔥代替。

ENGLISH RECIPE (6 Patties; 10-12 Thin Patties)

Pan-fried Lotus Root Patties

Lotus Root                         250 g
Minced Pork                        250 g
Diced Salted Fish                  1.5 tbsp (optional)  
Chinese Celery Leaves            12g  
Egg                                   1pc

Sugar              2 tbsp
Soy Sauce          1 tbsp

  1. Wash the lotus root and peel the skin.
  2. Shred the lotus root on the largest holes of a box grater, or cut it into shreds.
  3. Chop the Chinese celery leaves
  4. Mix all ingredients with seasoning (clockwise) except an egg.
  5. Add the beaten egg after the other ingredients in above mixed well.  Continue mix it until it looks soft and smooth.
  6. Divide the mixture into 6 (or 10-12 if you prefer thinner patties), roll into a balls. (you may refer to the video for reference)
  7. Add a bit oil to each partition of the hot plate, preheat the hot plate in mid-heat.  Putting the balls to the hot plate.(Please refer to the 'Tips' on the method to cook the patties in a pan / wok).
  8. Shape the balls into patties,  change the heat to mid-high level and keep pan fried it.
  9. Flip into another side after 2-3 mins.  You can swap the patties sometimes to make sure all patties cook consistantly.
  10. Flip the patties one or two times but not too frequent.  Overall cooking time around 15 mins.  

  • You can either shred or dice the lotus root.  
  • If using pan or wok, preheat the pan with oil in medium heat.  Change the heat to mid-low after adding the balls.  Shaped it to patties and cook 5-8 minutes for each side.  (Thinner platties need shorter time)
  • You can replaced the celery leaves by using spring onion.

