2018年2月1日 星期四

腰果雞丁 Stir-fry Chicken Dices with Cashew & Sweet Bean Sauce



去皮雞脾肉/雞胸肉   200克
腰果          100-120克
紅椒(或其他甜椒)   1隻
洋蔥          半個

糖       半茶匙
豉油      2茶匙
油       少許
粟粉      1茶匙
胡椒粉     少許
花椒粉     半茶匙 (如吃辣;可省略)

海鮮醬(甜醬)  1茶匙
蠔油       2茶匙
鮮辣椒/乾辣椒碎 1隻/1茶匙 (如吃辣;可省略)


1. 雞脾肉切除多餘脂肪,切粒備用。

2. 雞肉加入醃料拌勻醃最少30分鐘。

3. 紅甜椒去籽去頭,切粒。洋蔥切粒。(如用鮮辣椒也切碎備用)

4. 腰果放入已預熱150度的焗爐,烘焗10-15分鐘至金黃色及發出腰果香味。沒有焗爐可用小火不加油(白鑊)炒香,或放入油鍋略炸。已烘焗的腰果可省略此步驟。

5.  在鑊中加少許菜油(約半茶匙至1茶匙),中小火將洋蔥炒至軟身。

6. 加入雞粒及辣椒碎炒至7-8成熟。

7. 加入其他調味料繼續炒勻。

8. 最後加入腰果及甜椒粒炒香,甜椒略軟身及雞粒熟透變可。

  • 嗜辣者可減一點海鮮醬,改為辣豆辦醬及花椒粉
  • 腰果烘一下/炸一下會較香口,如喜歡清一點不烤一可。
  • 可隨意加入其他材料如西芹等,視乎快熟程度中途加入便可。

ENGLISH RECIPE (3-4 serve)

Stir-fry Chicken Dice with Cashew & Sweet Bean Sauce

Skinless Thigh Fillet / Breast Fillet    200g
Cashew                                               100-120g
Red Capsicum (or other capsicum)    1 pc
Onion                                                  1/2 pc

Thigh Marinated seasoning
Sugar     1/2 tsp
Soy Sauce     2 tsp
Oil             1/2 tsp
Corn Flour     1 tsp
Pepper                 a pinch
Sichuen pepper   1/2 tsp (optional for spicy lover)

Hoisin Sauce (Sweet Bean Sauce)    1 tsp
Oyster Sauce                                   2 tsp
Fresh Chilli / Dried Chilli                  1 pc / 1 tsp (optional for spicy lover)


  1. Remove extra fats for thigh fillet. Cut the fillet into dices
  2. Marinated the chicken dice with thigh seasoning
  3. Cut and remove the seed of red capsicum.  Cut the onion and capiscum into dices. (cut fresh chilli as well if any)
  4. Preheat oven to 150 degree and baked the cashew for 10-15 mins.  Or you may deep fry it or keep it raw.
  5. Preheat the non-stick frying pan with olive oil over medium heat, add the onion and cook few mins until tender.  
  6. Add chicken dices and chilli, and stir-fry it till 70-80% done.
  7. Add all the seasoning and keep stir-frying.
  8. Add both cashew and capsicum and stir-fry all ingredients for 1 or 2 minutes and it is ready to serve. 

  • If you are spicy lover, you can replace part of the hoisin sauce to spicy bean sauce
  • The taste of cashew is better after baking / deep-frying, it works as well without baking.
  • You can add other vegetable like celery 

