平時我們在日本食自助早餐或者在香港日本式西餐廳應該都會發現薯仔沙律很常見。幾年前在銅鑼灣一間家庭式日本料理,他們有一款前菜是南瓜沙律,我和朋友便點來試試,吃過之後很難忘,之後我便上網找找有沒有類似的食譜,南瓜沙律食譜找到很多,像他們這款的沒有太多像樣,最後試了幾款之後再自己改一下... 終於試到這個自己喜歡的口味了!
食譜 (2人份)
南瓜 約300克
甘荀 半條(約30克)
粟米粒 30克
洋蔥 60克
英式芥末 1/2茶匙
沙律醬/蛋黃醬 1茶匙
鹽 少許
黑胡椒碎 少許
1. 南瓜去皮去籽切大粒。甘荀、洋蔥切粒備用。洋蔥因為生食用,請使用熟食工具處理。
2. 預備一個蒸盤及一塊油布,油布先弄濕。如沒有蒸盤可省略,改用一般蒸煮方法(例:碟)
3. 在蒸煮用的煲或爐上倒入水煲滾。將南瓜、粟米、甘荀放入已鋪上油布的蒸盤上。
4. 水滾後將蒸盤放入,加蓋中火隔水蒸15分鐘。(使用其他蒸煮方法,請留意備註部分)
5. 蒸好後可試用筷子插入南瓜看看能否輕易穿過,穿過便可以,如仍是很硬便蒸久一點。蒸好的南瓜放涼約10-15分鐘。
6. 南瓜等蔬菜放涼後便可以壓蓉。如少量可使用一般食用叉,或可試用下圖之壓蓉工具或電動攪拌器。
7. 將南瓜及甘荀壓蓉,建議不需要把全部壓成蓉,部分可保留小塊狀也不錯。
8. 加入粟米粒,洋蔥粒及調味料拌勻。
9. 拌勻後便可食用,如喜歡凍吃或不是即時食用,請保持冷藏。建議兩三天內食完。
- 如弄給小朋友吃,可減去芥末及黑胡椒 ,及把洋蔥跟其他蔬菜一同蒸熟。
- 如不是使用有孔蒸盤,使用其他器皿蒸南瓜及其他蔬菜時有可能在器皿中存有水份,蒸煮後務必把蔬菜隔開水份,必要時使用廚房紙吸收水份。蔬菜過濕會影響沙律質感。
- 南瓜種類沒有特別要求,這次使用葫蘆狀的Butternut南瓜,在香港可以使用日式南瓜或其他品種(如外皮深綠色扁圓狀那種,在澳洲叫Kent pumpkin)
Pumpkin Salad in Japanese Style
Pumpkin ~300 g
Carrots ~30 g
Corn 30 g
Onion 60 g
English Mustard 1/2 tsp
Mayonnaise 1 tsp
Salt A pinch of salt
Pepper A pinch of pepper
- Peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds, get the right portion and cut into dices. Cut carrot and onion into small dices. As we will eat the onion in uncooked conditions, please be aware the tools (knife and board) used.
- Prepare the steaming rack and the steam cloth. Wash the cloth and make it wet. If you do not have both materials, prepare a pot or wok and a plate to steam the food in tradional way.
- Boiling water in a big pot. At the same time, put the pumpkin, corns and carrots into the steaming rack with the steam cloth in the bottom.
- Get the steaming rack to the pot, cover it and steam the veggie for 15 mins.
- After steaming, use chopsticks to test if the pumpkin soft enough. If it is still too hard, extend the steaming time. Rest the steamed veggie and let it cool down.
- Then prepare a fork / masher to mash pumpkin and carrot. A fork will do for small portion salad.
- Mash pumpkin and carrot. Suggest not to fully mashed and remain some pumpkin pieces.
- Add the corns, onion dices and seasoning and mix it well.
- The salad is ready to serve. Keep it in fridge if you like to eat in cold or eat it later. Suggest to finish it within 3 days.
- If it serve for kids, you can skip the pepper and mustard, and steam the onion together with other veggie.
- If you do not have steaming rack but using other way to steam, there may be some water on the plate after steaming. The texture of salad will be affected if the veggie are too moist. You can use kitchen paper to help and make the veggie dry.
- There is no specific type of pumpkin use in this recipe. We use Butternut this time. You can try other types of pumpkin for this dish.