2016年10月14日 星期五

Stir-fry Potato & Chicken Dices


食譜 (3-4人份)
二人家庭晚餐加隔天午餐飯盒份量剛好 :)

甘荀(中size)      2 條
薯仔          1 個
無骨雞脾肉/去皮雞扒     1 塊
洋蔥          1/2 個

糖         1 茶匙
鹽         1/2 茶匙
豉油        1 茶匙
粟粉        1 茶匙
凍水 (打芡用)    1 湯匙
熱水/暖水     ~500 毫升

糖         1/2 茶匙
豉油        1 茶匙
胡椒粉       少許  (如做給小朋友吃可省略)
粟粉        1/2 茶匙
油         1/2 茶匙


1. 先處理雞肉(如買急凍雞扒,可早一晚解凍醃肉令雞肉更入味),先把雞肉去皮,之後剪去或切去脂肪部分,用水沖一沖後抹乾,切粒備用

2. 雞肉加入雞肉醃料拌勻,醃15分鐘(時間許可可醃長一些時間)

3. 甘荀、薯仔、洋蔥洗淨,去皮切粒。薯仔比較多澱粉質,去皮後易變黑,可以最後先切薯仔,或浸在淡鹽水中防止變色

4. 開中大火,在鑊中加少少油,先把雞粒炒香,炒至表面變色便可熄火放回碗中,不用炒至熟透。先炒雞粒是令到雞粒在炆煮前已成粒狀,封鎖肉汁,到之後炆的時候不會令肉質鬆散,口感滑一點

5. 原鑊不用洗,加少少油,用中火先爆香洋蔥

6. 加入薯仔粒和甘荀粒一同炒,炒至蔬菜開始有點「令」身。(如使用的鑊有點粘底,可加少許熱水,不要加凍水到熱鑊中)

7. 之後可加入剛才炒過的雞粒及調味料中的鹽和糖一同炒一會

8. 加入熱水500ml 及調味料中的豉油,炒一下後便加蓋繼續以中火焗煮10-15分鐘,適當的熱度應可令到汁料滾的狀態如下圖,不斷有水泡出現。期間隔幾分鐘可看一看收汁情況,如收汁大快可調低火力或加多一點熱水,不要煮乾。

9. 焗煮一段時間後會開始見到汁料開始變稠,這時可用筷子篤入薯仔粒或試一粒看看薯仔煮得軟身,同時此時可作最後調味,如覺得不夠鹹或甜,可加鹽或糖自行調教。

10. 最後用粟粉加凍水攪勻打芡,加入鑊中炒一下,此時汁料應該變得更加濃稠,過一會便可熄火上碟。(雖然薯仔的澱粉質本身已有令菜色變得濃稠的效果,但加一點薄芡可令到汁料更加粘在材料上,不會令菜、汁分離,材料特別是肉類更滑更入味。

  • 如果怕雞脾肉太肥,可改用雞胸肉
  • 打芡一定要用凍水(室溫水),先拌勻才加入
  • 如果喜歡有微辣的效果,可加一點黑胡椒碎
  • 1茶匙=5g;1湯匙=15g

ENGLISH RECIPE (serve 3-4)

Stir-fry Potato and Chicken Dices

Carrot (medium size)          2 pc
Potato                                  1 pc
Thigh Fillet or                     1 pc
Skinless Chicken Steak
Onion                                   1/2 pc

Sugar                                   1 tsp (teaspoon)
Salt                                      1/2 tsp
Soy Suace                            1 tsp
Corn flour                            1 tsp
Cold/Warm water                1 tbsp (tablespoon)
(for corn flour sauce)
Hot water   ~500 ml

Chicken dices seasoning:
Sugar  1/2 tsp
Soy sauce                             1 tsp
Ground White Pepper          Little bit
(skip if cooking for children)
Corn flour                            1/2 tsp
Cooking oil                          1/2 tsp

  1. Defroze the fillet if it is frozen, remove the chicken skin and fats. Clean the fillet and dry it with cooking paper, and cut it into dices.
  2. Add the chicken dices seasoning to the chicken dices, mix it and rest it for at least 15 mins (can season it and put in the fridge at the night before)
  3. Clean and peel the skin of potato, carrots and onion.  Cut it into dices seperately.  As potato contains starchs, its color will became dark easily after peeling. Avoid potato dices changing dark color by putting it to water with salt.
  4. Turn on the stove to medium-high heat and heat up 1/2 tsp cooking oil in a wok. Stir-fry the chicken dices until the colors change and dices became firm (chicken dices are in medium rare), put it back to a plate.
  5. No need to wash the wok, add and heat up another 1/2 tsp oil to it.  Stir-fry the onion for a minute.
  6. Add the potato & carrot dices to the wok, stir-fry it until it looks 'glossy' or color became a bit darker.  (If you are not using non-sticky wok, or if you find the food starts stick in the bottom, add a bit hot water to it.  Do not add cold water)
  7. Add the chicken dices back to the wok, stir-fry with the salt and sugar from the seasoning.
  8. Filling in 500ml water and the soy sauce from seasoning to the wok, keep stir-fry a min.  Cover it and stew it with medium heat for 10-15 mins.  Check it every few mins to see if the water losing too fast.  To avoid burning, lower the heat or adding more hot water if necessary.
  9. After stewing, the sauce become condensed.  You can use the chopstick/fork to check if the potato dices soft enough.  Also you can taste the sauce, add some sugar or salt to adjust if necessary.
  10. Mix the corn flour with 1 tbsp cold water.  Add the mixture to the wok, stir-fry it a min and the sauce become further condensed.  It helps the sauce stick on the food well and makes its taste better.  Turn off the stove and put the food to a clean plate/bowl.

  • Thigh fillet can be replaced by breast fillet
  • Corn flour mixture must using cold water, and mix it well before adding to the food.
  • Ground black pepper can be added for a little spicy favour.
  • 1 tsp = 5g; 1 tbsp = 15g

