細糖由細到大對吃鯪魚肉都不太喜愛,總覺得魚肉會有碎骨,所以菜色如白蘿白魚鬆我會改成排骨,或炸鯪魚球等我都不會主動點。不過現在在澳洲,除了急凍鯪魚肉外就買不到,反而感覺有點不慣,我們吃魚肉多數會肉白身魚扒龍利魚柳(BASA FILLET)來做攪魚肉。因為用魚柳做魚肉,極少機會會有骨,加上我和豆先生都愛吃滑豆腐,所以現在間中都會用豆腐魚肉來整老少平安,預備好材料攪勻蒸熟就得,簡單得來又清清地唔錯。
魚肉 200克(可自行攪魚肉或買現成鯪魚肉)
滑豆腐 1磚(約250克 )
金華火腿 5-10克 (可省略)
生油 少許
熟油 1茶匙(可省略)
粟粉 1茶匙
原糖 1茶匙
鹽 1/4茶匙(如沒有金華火腿可改成3/4 或1茶匙
胡椒粉 少許
1. 金華火腿切蓉,蔥切幼粒備用。
2. 魚肉加入調味料及金華火腿拌勻,記著攪拌魚肉必須同一方向攪拌至起膠,否則魚肉質感會受影響(反膠)。
3. 豆腐先用廚房紙印去水份,加入魚肉中,用叉把豆腐略壓散,加入少許生油,再攪拌令豆腐完全混入魚肉中。(記著攪拌方向要一致)
4. 將混合好的魚肉豆腐放入22cm鑄鐵平鍋或(傳統方法隔水蒸)蒸盤上鋪平。(如最後不打算加熟油,蔥花此時加入)
5. 鑄鐵平鍋蓋上蓋細火蒸8分鐘,熄火焗5分鐘。(傳統方法隔水蒸)預備蒸鍋水滾後放入蒸盤在蒸加上,加蓋中火蒸10分鐘。
6. 用一個小鍋把油加熱,油熱後熄火備用。
7. 蒸好的豆腐魚肉加上蔥花,淋上熟油便可食用。可隨口味/鹹度自行決定加入少許蒸魚豉油。
- 鑄鐵鍋傳熱快,無水蒸不要用大火。
- 除了金華火腿,也可加入乾瑤柱碎。
- 蒸好豆腐後如太多水份可先把多餘水份倒去。
- 攪拌魚肉必須要保持同一方向。
Steamed Mashed Tofu with Fish Paste
Fish Paste 200g
Soft Tofu 1 pc (~250g)
Chinese Salty Ham 5-10g (optional)
Vegetable Oil few drops
Heated Oil 1 tsp (optional)
Spring Onion 1-2pc
Corn Flour 1 tsp
Raw Sugar 1 tsp
Salt 1/4 tsp (3/4 tsp if not using salty ham)
Pepper A little pinch
How to make Fish Paste
Method 1: Wash and dry the fish fillet, cut it in small pieces and mince it with mini food processer.
Method 2: Wash and dry the fish fillet, chop the fish fillet into mince by the knife blade.
- Chop spring onion and ham respectively in small pieces.
- Adding seasoning and also salty ham pieces into fish paste, mix it well in the same direction. (reverse direction will affect the texture of the fish paste)
- Mashed the tofu with a fork and adding the mashed tofu into the fish paste. Mix it well in the same direction.
- Placing the mixture into a 22cm cast iron buffet pan. Or using a steaming plate if using traditional steaming pot. (If not pouring heated oil in the last step, adding the spring onion as topping in this step)
- Steam the (cast iron) dish in low heat for 8 mins, and then switch off the heat and rest for another 5 mins. If using traditional way, boiling water in the steam pot, placing the steaming plate and steam it for 10 mins.
- Heat some oil with a small pot.
- Adding the spring onion to the dish, pouring the heated oil and the dish is ready to serve.
- Do not use 'hi-heat' if steaming by cast iron pot.
- You can replace salty ham by dry scallop, or skip it.
- Strain water if there is too much water in the dish after steaming.
- Grind fish paste must be in the same direction.