2017年7月14日 星期五

煙三文魚大蔥螺絲粉 Trivelle pasta with Smoke Salmon and Creamy Leek sauce



食譜 (3-4人份)


螺絲粉    350克 (可選用其他意粉)
大蔥     1條 (約150克)
煙三文魚片  200克(可改用新鮮三文魚肉,方法見「小貼士」部分)
鮮忌廉    300克
上湯     100毫升
鹽      半茶匙  + 半茶匙煲意粉用
黑胡椒碎   少許
乾香草碎   少許裝飾用
麵粉水    1茶匙麵粉+2茶匙水)
橄欖油    2茶匙


1. 大蔥切去根部,主要用蔥白部分,將蔥白部分切片。(青綠部分也可用,只是葉部分會比較老)

2. 預備一鍋熱水,水滾後加入鹽,再加入意粉中火煮9-10分鐘或自行決定至適合軟硬度,煮好後隔水備用,可沖一下冷水降溫。(由於不同牌子意粉所需烹調時間不同,可自行試一下意粉是否達到喜歡之軟硬度)

3. 煙三文魚拆開包裝備用,可簡單檢查一下有沒有碎骨,間中我也試過見到有一兩條骨。可能起一些好一點的三文魚片裝飾用。

4. 在鑊中加入橄欖油及大蔥,中火炒至大蔥軟身。

5. 倒入忌廉及上湯,煮至微滾。

6. 加入胡椒碎及鹽,及加入煙三文魚片略煮。

7. 加入意粉,將意粉及醬料拌勻。

8. 可試一下味再自行加鹽及胡椒調味。加入麵粉水令醬汁稠身一點,煮多一會便可上碟。

9.  可在碟上加入一些乾香草及未煮的煙三文魚在意粉上面裝飾。

  • 除了螺絲粉,還可選用其他意粉如扁意粉、長通粉等。
  • 如果給小朋友吃不想用煙三文魚,可用新鮮三文魚肉切粒,煮之前用少許鹽醃5分鐘,改為加忌廉前加入輕炒一下。


Trivelle pasta with Smoke Salmon and Creamy Leek sauce


Trivelle pasta    350g
Leek              1pc (~150g)
Smoke Salmon Slices   200g (Can change to fresh salmon fillet, details in 'tips')
Fresh Cream           300g
Stock (Chicken/Vegetable)  100ml
Salt               1/2 tsp + 1/2tsp for boiling pasta
Black Pepper         a little pinch
Dried Herbs         a little pinch for decoration
Flour mixture        mixture of 1 tsp plain flour and 2 tsp water
Olive Oil             2 tsp


  1. Prepare the leek first, halved and finely sliced.
  2. Cook the pasta according to pack instructions with salt.  Drained well.
  3. Remove the packing of the Smoke salmon, check if any small bone in.  Reserve few good slices of salmon for decoration.
  4. Preheat the non-stick frying pan with olive oil over medium heat, add the leek and cook few mins until soft.
  5. Pouring cream into frying pan and keep boiling it for 3 mins
  6. Add salmon slices, black pepper and salt and slight mix it with cream.
  7. Add pasta to sauce, mix it well until pasta are fully coated and sauce is simmering.
  8. Taste and adjust the taste if necessary.  Pouring the flour mixture to the sauce and make it condensed.  Cooked for further minute and it is ready to serve.
  9. Add the uncooked smoke salmon and some dry herbs for decoration.

  • Pick other pasta or spaghetti by own preference.
  • If you prefer fresh Salmon for kids, cute the fresh salmon to dice / piece.  Season it with a pinch of salt for 5 mins.  And pan fry it with leek before pouring cream.

