我一向是薯仔的「粉絲」,自從很多年前食西餐時食過這個薯片批配菜就愛上,現在在澳洲很多時候出外食西餐揀配菜時,如果可以選擇,我都會選擇這個薯仔批(Potato Au Gratin)或煎薯餅(Rosti)。
薯仔 約500-550克
鮮忌廉 250克
Mozzarella芝士 約40克(可全用同一隻芝士,份量以鋪滿焗薯片表面為準)
鹽 半茶匙
黑胡椒 少許
乾香草碎 半湯匙
1. 薯仔去皮,切薄片。去皮後或切片後的薯仔都可用清水浸著,讓多餘澱粉質去掉。如不想切片可使用刨片器幫忙。
2. 預備鍋,在鍋中倒入忌廉,開中火預熱。
3. 當忌廉開始冒煙後加入已瀝水的薯片並拌勻。
4. 忌廉煮滾後轉小火。繼續煮15-20分鐘,間中攪拌一下,煮至忌廉變得稠身及慢慢收乾便可關火。
5. 預熱焗爐至攝氏180度。
6. 預備一個焗盆,先放入一半薯片,平均鋪平及輕輕壓實一下,之後灑上Parmesan芝士碎。
7. 加入餘下的一半薯片,同樣是平均鋪平及輕輕壓實,在最面層鋪上Mozzarella芝士。
8. 在焗盆上蓋上錫紙,放入已預熱的焗爐焗15-20分鐘,之後可用叉插入薯片看看是否軟身。(由於薯仔種類不同易淋度也不同,如有需要可加長一點時間)。
9. 拿走錫紙,放回焗爐再焗10-15分鐘至表面芝士變金黃色便完成可以出爐。
- 芝士可以選同一類形的,Parmesan芝士味道較重,Mozzarella芝士較淡味但較煙韌,用來焗Pizza和這些批類很適合。
- 如喜歡可加入乾煙肉碎在中層及表面。
Potato ~500-550 g
Fresh Cream 250 g
Parmesan Cheese ~25 g
Mozzarella Cheese ~40 g
(Can pick one single cheese)
Salt 1/2 tsp
Black Pepper 1/4 tsp
Dried Mixed Herb 1/2 tbsp
- Peel potatoes and cut it into thin slices. Soaking potatoes in cold water before cooking will help to remove some of the starch.
- Pouring cream into a pot / wok over medium heat.
- Add the potato chips when the cream is boiling, mix it well.
- Turn the stove to low heat, keep boiling it for 15-20 mins and mix it sometimes, until the cream become sticky.
- Preheat the oven to 180c
- Prepare a baking bowl, add first half of potato chips, slightly press it. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on it.
- Add the remaining potato chips, and then sprinkle the Mozzarella Cheese on top and cover the potato chips well.
- Cover the baking bowl with aluminum foil and put it to preheated oven for 15 mins. You can use a fork to test if the chips soft enough after that. Extend the time if necessary.
- Remove the aluminum foil and bake the potato chips for further 10-15 mins until cheese toppings colour become gold. And now it is ready to serve.
- You can use single type of cheese with your own preference.
- Add dried bacon if interested.