食譜 (10-12件)
中筋麵粉 30g
杏仁粉(Almond meal) 75g
糖粉/砂糖 70g
無鹽牛油 85g
蛋白 3隻(約100g)
開心果肉 10g
雲尼拿油 1/4 tsp 或 2小滴
1. 首先我們先預備開心果碎,可以用一個三文治袋把果仁袋起,在三文治袋下面鋪一塊乾布/毛巾,用擀麵棍把開心果敲碎。如果有石盅,輕輕盅碎亦可。備用。
2. 這個小蛋糕要用到啡牛油(Brown butter / beurre noisette),啡牛油可以用一般無鹽牛油加熱煮成,目的是減低牛油的水份令到牛油更香及蛋糕更鬆軟。先預備一個小鍋加入牛油慢火加熱。
3. 牛油煮溶後(左圖),慢火繼續煮,漸漸會出現白色小氣泡(右圖)
4. 煮多一會後,白色氣泡慢慢凝聚成小塊,牛油變得清澈及變成較深的金黃色。另外會見到油裡面出現一些啡色點點,這時可以熄火及離火靜上一會。
5. 用網篩把油塊隔開,把油倒入小碗中備用。(沒有網篩可使用即棄茶葉袋亦可)
6. 另一邊用一隻大碗,把杏仁粉、糖粉、麵粉加入拌勻。
7. 蛋白輕輕打發,之後加入已拌勻粉類的大碗中,同時加入雲尼拿油,輕輕拌勻。
8. 加入啡牛油,慢慢搞拌成麵糊(下圖),靜止約15分鐘。不要過分攪拌,會令麵粉起筋蛋糕便變得硬身不鬆軟。之前放牛油的小碗留下待用,不要清洗
9. 預熱焗爐至180C。
10. 拿出剛才放啡牛油的小碗,上面還有啡牛油,用油掃把剩餘的啡牛油掃在蛋糕模上。使用一般牛油或固體菜油亦可,目的是方便蛋糕脫模。
11. 掃完蛋糕模可把模具放入雪櫃1-2分鐘,之後看到蛋糕模上的牛油凝固。
12. 將蛋糕漿倒入模具,約7-8成滿,輕輕用膠刮撫平(不用過分撫平,蛋糕漿遇熱後溶掉)。加入開心果碎在蛋糕漿上面。
13. 放入焗爐中層焗約12-15分鐘。間中留意一下蛋糕顏色。蛋糕焗至啡金黃色便可,此時關掉焗爐,開一條小隙,讓蛋糕在焗爐內多待5分鐘。
14. 蛋糕出爐後便可脫模,放在蛋糕架上放涼一會便可食用。太遲脫模,模具中的熱力會產生蒸氣回到蛋糕中。
- 如沒有長條形小蛋糕模,可用蛋撻模或鬆餅模代替。
- 掃上蛋糕模的油一定要選用固體油類,才可做到容易脫模。
- 杏仁粉不要用錯用來沖杏霜那種,杏霜的粉是用南北杏仁磨成的。今次用的杏仁粉是用外層啡色很多人當作零食那種大杏仁(Almond)磨成的粉。可在烘焙店或健康食品店找到。
ENGLISH RECIPE (10-12 pieces)
Pistachio Financier (Less Sweet Recipe)
Plain Flour 30g
Almond Meal 75g
Icing Sugar / Caster Sugar 70g
Unsalted Butter 85g
Egg White 3pc (~100g)
Pistachio nuts 10g
Vanilla oil 1/4 tsp or 2 drops
- Firstly, put the pistachio into a small freezer/sandwich bag. Getting a towel and put it in the bottom of bag, break the pistachio by using rolling pin.
- And then we will make the brown butter (beurre noisette) by using unsalted butter. Put a small pot over low heat to melt the butter.
- Butter getting melted and then some small bubbles come up.
- Keep boiling butter in low heat, the bubble became a little piece. It become dark golden color and clear. Switch off the fire and remove pot from heat.
- Pour oil into a small bowl and filter the bubble pieces.
- Get a big mixing bowl to mix almond meal, flour, and sugar together.
- Slightly blend the egg white. Pour to the flour mixture, adding vanilla oil and mix it well.
- Adding the brown butter and mix it well slightly with the flour mixture. Rest for 15 mins. Do not blend it too hard, it will affect the texture of the cake. Keep the small bowl with brown butter and do not clean it.
- Preheat oven to 180C.
- Using the remaining brown butter from the small bowl, grease the cake mold.
- Greased cake mold can put in fridge for 1-2 mins.
- Pour the mixture into each mold (around 70-80% full). Slightly flatten the mixture by spatula. Adding the pistachio pieces on top.
- Bake the financier for 12-15 mins until it becomes golden color. Switch off the oven and slightly open the oven door, rest the cake inside for another 5 mins.
- Take the financier out and remove it from the mold. Keeping it too long in the mold will make the financier moist by the steam. Now it's ready to serve.
- If you do not have financier mold, you can replace it by muffin or tart mold.
- We should use the solid oil like butter to grease mold.
- Do not use the chinese style almond powder which is used for almond sweet soup.