2017年3月5日 星期日

韓式泡菜煎餅 Korean Kimchi Pancake



低筋粉     100 克
泡菜      120 克
泡菜汁     少許
魷魚/魷魚圈  60 克
蔥       10 克
水       125 毫升
油       1 茶匙
鹽       1/4 茶匙
糖       1/2 茶匙

糖       1/4茶匙
魚露/淡醬油  1/2茶匙


1. 先將泡菜切條,蔥切幼粒。

2. 預備一小鍋熱水,魷魚放入熱水約30秒飛水,撈起沖凍水瀝水。之後切成短條,加入魷魚醃料備用。

3. 低筋粉過篩,分數次加入水攪勻開成幼滑粉漿。

4.  將鹽糖加入粉漿,再加入泡菜連汁、魷魚、蔥及油拌勻。

5.  平底鍋或電熱板塗上薄油開中火 (如想香脆一點可多一點油)。

6.  加入已拌好的粉漿,用膠刮刀幫助將材料掃平均。

7.  當煎餅底部開始出煙,將煎餅反轉另一面煎。如使用電熱板煎,建議將煎餅分成兩塊方便烹調。

8.  全程大約煎8-10分鐘,煎至兩邊表面金黃便可。可選擇整碟上碟或切件上碟。


  • 以上為香軟版本,如想硬身一點可將1/5低筋粉改為中筋粉。
  • 魷魚可改為其他海鮮如蝦或青口粒,素食可改為金菇。


Korean Kimchi Pancake


Cake Flour                                    100 g
Kimchi                                          120 g
Kimchi sauce                                 1 tsp (from Kimchi, optional)
Squid / Squid Ring                        60 g
Spring Onion                                10 g
Water                                            125 ml
Oil                                                1 tsp
Salt                                               1/4 tsp
Sugar                                            1/2 tsp

Squid Seasoning
Sugar                                           1/4 tsp
Fish Sauce / Light Soy Sauce     1/2 tsp


  1. Cut the kimchi into strips, chop spring onion.
  2. Boiling water in a small pot, put the squid ring in the hot water for 30 second and wash it with cold water.  Cut it into small pieces.
  3. Sift Cake Flour in a mixing bowl, pouring water by few times and mixing well with the flour.
  4. Adding salt and sugar into mixture.  And then adding kimchi, kimchi sauce, squid pieces, spring onion, and oil and mix them well.
  5. Prepare a pan or hot plate with medium heat, wiping some oil in the pan.
  6. Pour the mixture into the pan.
  7. After few mins, turn the pancakes over to cook other side.  (cut the pancake into two pieces if using hot plate, it helps to flip over easier).
  8. Flip over the pancake few times and keep panfry it until its surface look like gold colour (it spends around 8-10 mins).  Cut it into pieces and it is ready to serve.


  • The above recipe makes a soft pancake, you can replace 1/5 cake flour(low-protein) by plain flour (med-protein) if you like harder one.
  • You can replace squids by other seafood like mussels or prawns, or enoki mushrooms if prefer vegetarian version

