2016年11月5日 星期六

蕃茄吞拿魚蜆肉扁意粉 Fettuccine with Tuna & Red Clam sauce

以前學生時代,喺屋企想食肉醬/蕃茄醬意粉,最快就係用一樽意粉醬加肉碎煮好加埋意粉就食得。到之後去澳洲Working holiday,雖然知道用新鮮蕃茄係最鮮味,但因為要慳錢,新鮮蕃茄只會間中特價時才買,意粉醬更少買,咁煮蕃茄意粉點好呢?當時我們很多時候都會買罐裝蕃茄肉,一來真的有粒粒或原個蕃茄肉,二來佢係混合左蕃茄汁,用這個來煮蕃茄意粉真的不錯。所以之後有時我都會買定一兩罐蕃茄肉在家,用來煮意粉或者打邊爐做蕃茄湯底都係非常好的選擇。


食譜 (4人份)

罐頭意大利蕃茄粒/肉  400克
扁意粉/意粉      200克
急凍蜆肉        70克
油浸/水浸吞拿魚罐頭  100克
蘑菇          60克
洋蔥          半個
麵粉          10克(2茶匙)

白酒          30毫升
蒜蓉          約1茶匙

糖           2茶匙
鹽           1茶匙
黑胡椒         少許


1. 蜆肉解凍;洋蔥切絲;蘑菇切粒;罐頭吞拿魚隔去水份/油份備用。

2. 預備一鍋熱水加一點油及鹽,煮意粉約10分鐘,之後熄火焗約10分鐘,可試一試軟硬度合適後瀝水備用,可沖凍水令意粉降溫。

3. 用少許油開中火預熱鑊,加入蒜蓉及蜆肉略炒,再倒入白酒,略炒一會熄火盛起待用。不要炒蜆肉太長時間。

4. 如沒有粘底不用洗鑊,原鑊加油約1茶匙,先加入洋蔥絲炒軟身,之後加入蘑菇一起炒。

5. 加入吞拿魚炒勻,便可加入麵粉炒至不見白色麵粉粒。

6. 加入蕃茄肉拌勻,加入調味料,繼續以中火煮醬料。可自己調教味道。

7.  當醬汁開始變濃,便可加入剛才煮過的蜆肉連白酒汁,再煮約一兩分鐘。

8. 將意粉加入醬汁中,邊煮熱意粉邊拌勻,令意粉都沾上醬汁便可上碟。另一個方法可以先用香草橄欖油炒香意粉,醬汁直接加上意粉上面。

  • 使用新鮮蕃茄,先把蕃茄洗淨切小粒,由於水份較多,以上食譜的麵粉部分改為1.5湯匙。調味可能要多一點,可考慮加一點茄汁/茄膏。如不想吃蕃茄皮,可先在蕃茄底部用刀輕切十字,浸入熱水焗10分鐘,去皮後才切粒。蕃茄煮蓉後才加入蜆肉。
  • 如果醬汁太稀,可以1:1比例的麵粉溶於冷水中,再加入醬料煮一會。
  • 如喜歡辣,可選用辣味吞拿魚或加一點「辣椒仔Tabasco」也可。
  • 急凍蜆肉可預早解凍,或使用前拿出來浸清水約5-10分鐘便可。


Fettuccine with Tuna & Red Clam Sauce

Fettuccine                                 20 g 
Canned Diced Tomatoes          400 g
Frozen Clam Meat                   70 g 
Canned Tuna                           100 g
(Oil/Spring Water)
Mushroom                               60 g
Onion                                      1/2 pc
Flour                                       10 g (2 tsp)

Clam Seasoning
White Wine                             30 ml
Minced Garlic                         ~ 1 tsp

Sugar                                       2 tsp
Salt                                          1 tsp
Ground Black Pepper              A pinch


  1. Defroze clam meat, cut onion into thin slices, cut mustroom into dices, and drain water/oil from the tuna
  2. Boiling water with a pot in medium heat, add fettuccine and boil it for around 10 mins.  Cover the pot with lid and turn off the heat, residue heat inside the pot for about 10 minutes.  Test and see if the softness of the fettuccine, extend the boiling time if it is too hard. Drain well.
  3. Put a wok over a medium heat and add little bit oil.  Slightly stir-fry the clam meat with garlic mince.  Pour white wine into wok and slightly stir-fry with the clam meat.  Turn off heat and pour the clam meat to a bowl for later step.  Do not cook the clam meat too long.
  4. Preheat the same wok with 1 tsp oil.  Stir-fry the onion till soft, and then add the mushroom dices to stir-fry for a minute.
  5. Add the tuna and mix it well.  Stir-fry the mixture with flour and make sure the flour mixed well without white flour pieces.
  6. Pour the diced tomatoes into the mixture with the seasoning.  Mix well and cook it for few mins.  Adjust the taste if necessary.
  7. Add the cooked clam meat to the wok when the tomato sauce become condensed.  Cook it for further 2 mins.
  8. Add fettuccine.  Mix it well until the sauce stick to the fettuccine. And it is now ready to serve.  Or you may stir-fry the fettuccine with olive oil and herbs, and pour the sauce on top of the fettuccine.

  • If you would like to use fresh tomatoes, you can clean and cut the tomatoes into small dices.  As the tomatoes are very juicy, you need to increase the flour ingredients to 1.5 tbsp.  You may consider to add tomato sauce / paste for seasoning.  Clam meat should be added after the tomatoes taste become soft and condensed.
  • If the sauce is not sticky enough, you may melt the flour to cold water (portion 1:1), and then adding it to the sauce and cook for further minutes.
  • Using Spicy Tuna or adding Tabasco if you like spicy favour.
  • Tuna and Clam meat can be replaced by other ingredients such as ham or bacon.
  • Clam meat can be refroze earlier at fridge, or pour it into warm/cold water for 5-10mins before use.

