2016年12月1日 星期四

味噌三文魚豆腐湯 Salmon Miso Soup



食譜 (3-4人份)

三文魚     約120克
乾海帶     6克
滑豆腐     300克/1塊 /1盒
鰹魚粉     4克
白味噌     2湯匙
水       1000毫升


1. 三文魚略清洗表面,切粒備用。

2. 用一隻小碗加入兩湯匙白味噌,加入少許暖水拌勻至味噌完全溶化,備用。

3. 用一個中小湯煲煲滾熱水,加入豆腐及乾海帶中火煮至海帶變軟及發大。

4. 加入三文魚塊,中火煲2-3分鐘。(今次我同時加入了蜆肉)

5. 最後加入鰹魚粉及之前已預備好的味噌醬,輕輕攪拌一下,可自行加減鰹魚粉及味噌醬至自己喜歡的味道。攪拌時不要太大力把豆腐打碎。繼續煮滾2-3分鐘便可飲用。

  • 三文魚肉可隨喜好用蜆肉/三文魚頭/蝦肉代替,烹調時間隨食材略為調整。如使用魚頭,可先切成大塊之後略煎一下才加入湯中,因為魚頭也有些小骨,不要煮太久令魚頭散開。
  • 乾海帶我是在12元店買的,一放進熱水煮一會便發大。如買不到同類,可使用一般乾海帶再先用凍水浸軟才放進湯中。
  • 這個湯沒有加油,看到的湯是三文魚的魚油。
  • 鰹魚粉是日本常用的調味粉,我試用多次,喝湯後都沒有喝味精湯的口渴感覺。如不喜歡可用魚湯代替。
  • 白味噌較淡,適合煲湯用。如家中有赤味噌也可使用,只是味道較鹹,份量需減一點。
  • 如果怕海鮮腥味,可加入少許薑片/大蔥/洋蔥。


Salmon Miso Soup

Salmon piece                      ~120 g
Dried Seaweed                   6 g
Soft/Silked Tofu                300 g / 1 pc / 1 box
Dashi Stock powder          4 g
White Miso Paste              2 tbsp
Water                                 1 L

  1. Slightly wash the salmon piece, cut into dices.  You can buy loose salmon pieces as well from supermarket or take away sushi/sashimi shop, taste same and cheaper.
  2. Get white miso paste to a small bowl, adding some warm water.  Melt the miso and mix it well.
  3. In a medium pot or saucepan over medium heat, adding tofu and dried seaweed to boil it until the seaweed become soft.
  4. Adding salmon dices and keep boiling it over medium heat for 2-3 mins.  (I added clam meat as well this time)
  5. Pour in the miso paste and Dashi Stock powder, slightly mix it with spatula.  Simmer gently for 2 to 3 minutes before serving.

  • Salmon can be replaced by other seafood like clam meat, prawn, or salmon head.  Cooking time may need to be adjusted.  Slightly Pan-fry before boiling if using fish head.  Do not boil the fish head for too long.
  • Dried seaweed is getting from $12 shop and this one can be cooked directly and quickly in hot water.  You can buy the traditional one from market, keep it in cold water to make it soft before boiling.
  • The oil we found in the soup is the fish oil from salmon. 
  • Dashi Stock powder is the popular seasoning / stock in Japan.  I tried several times and it does not like MSG that make you feeling thirsty afterward.  You can replace it by fish stock as well.
  • White miso is better for soup, you can use red miso as well.  Slightly reduce 1/2 tbsp to avoid too salty if putting red miso.
  • You may add some ginger / leek / onion at your preference.