辣泡菜 200克
牛肉片/肥牛片 200克
洋蔥 半個(約120克)
雞蛋 1隻
糖 1茶匙
鹽 半茶匙
泡菜汁 2-3茶匙(隨自己對泡菜辣味喜好調整,怕辣可減少)
1. 肥牛片如是急凍可先解凍,長形牛肉片可一分為二備用。
2. 洋蔥切條,泡菜如太大片可切細片/細條,雞蛋打勻備用。
3. 加少許油到鑊中,中火預熱及加入洋蔥炒香。
4. 洋蔥開始炒香及微微軟身,加入牛肉片,如牛肉片疊左一起記著分開。
5. 加入糖和鹽,繼續炒至5-7成熟。
6. 當炒至大約6-7成熟(部分粉紅色),加入泡菜連汁炒勻。
7. 牛肉差不多熟時,最後加入蛋汁快炒,炒約8-10秒後熄火,用餘溫炒多一兩下便可上碟,這樣可防止牛肉及雞蛋變老。
- 肥牛片是快熟食品,泡菜本身也是即食的,整個炒的過程不應該超過5分鐘。
- 可以改用豚肉片,炒的時間要多一點。
- 煮之前可先試一下泡菜,如比較酸的泡菜可多加少許糖。
Stir-fry beef slices with Kimchi
Stir-fry beef slices with Kimchi
Kimchi 200 g
Sauce from Kimchi 2 tsp (More/Less according to your favour)
Sauce from Kimchi 2 tsp (More/Less according to your favour)
Thin beef slices 200 g
Onion 1/2 pc or ~120 g
Egg 1 pc
Sugar 1 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
- Defrost the beef slices if it is frozen. Cut the long beef slices into two slices.
- Slice onion and slice kimchi if pieces are too big. Beat egg well.
- Preheat the wok over medium heat with a bit oil. Adding onion and stir-fry for few mins.
- After 1 or 2 mins when the onion become soft, add beef slices and stir-fry quickly.
- Adding sugar and salt, stir-fry the beef to medium.
- Pour kimchi and kimchi sauce, keep stir-frying and mix it well with beef.
- When the beef are nearly well-done, pouring beaten egg and stir-frying quickly for 8-10seconds. Switch off the stove and cook it for another 8-10 seconds, it helps to avoid overcook. And it is ready to serve.
- As kimchi is instand food and beef can be fully cooked quickly, total cooking time should be within 5 mins.
- You can replace beef slices by thin pork slices. Cooking time spends a bit longer.
- Taste the kimchi before cooking, adding a bit more sugar if the kimchi tastes sour.